A hand examines a resume with a magnifying glass.

Today's job market is highly competitive. It is not uncommon for hundreds of people to send in applications for a single job opening. What can you do to stand out amongst the crowd? A well-crafted, impressive, and professional curriculum vitae along with a concise cover letter is the key. Potential employers will use your CV to decide whether or not to invite you to an interview. Take a look at our tips for creating a CV that will shine.

Start with a good cover letter

Your cover letter may be the first thing a potential employer reads. Make sure you give a clear answer to the question "Why am I the right person for this job". Your answer should be clear and concise and excite the reader to want to learn more about you. It may be worth the investment to have a recruitment consultant take a look at your cover letter to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Less is more

An over-crowded, lengthy CV is an instant turn-off. With hundreds of resumes to look through, HR managers do not have much time to waste. Your CV should highlight your most impressive and important career moves. There is no need to list absolutely everything you have done or achieved; you can mention these things in your interview or hint at them in your cover letter. Ask yourself: What are the achievements most applicable for this particular job? Make those stand-out.

Sing your praises but stay honest

A successful CV is a truthful one. Avoid the temptation to embellish previous experience. Thanks to the internet the truth is easy to find, so save yourself the embarrassment. What you do want to do, though, is present yourself in the best light possible. Go ahead and showcase what makes you unique and particularly qualified for the job. Be bold and assertive in your cover letter. If you believe you are the best person for the job, make others believe that, too.

Proof reading is a must

Few things make a worse impression than poor grammar and spelling mistakes; they indicate sloppiness and a lack of attention to detail. Read your cover letter and resume out loud; this can help identify mistakes one easily misses when reading or typing. Also have a friend or two read through your application and check for mistakes. Remember, your CV is your first impression, so put in the effort to make it great.

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